Thalys 'shooting'

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The little terrorist p#@sy says he was going to rob the train. No train robber is that heavily armed. Now these followers of a "peaceful" belief lie about the true intent of said actions.
The little terrorist p#@sy says he was going to rob the train. No train robber is that heavily armed. Now these followers of a "peaceful" belief lie about the true intent of said actions.
You cannot rob a train in France , this isnt the 1850s . The driver is not accessible but has communication with the train staff and the destination. You can kill and rob the people on the train but you cant open the doors, make it stop or go faster. If the guy said he was a mean ass who wanted to kill I would respect him more than that cr@p
Made me proud when the story first broke that they where able to stop this POS.

I wish in the end more people would stand up against these terrorist scum.

Having said that I understand that the brain works in different ways for different people and that the natural human instinct is to run and hide in order to survive.

Hey Adler how many young men can stand outside a train toilet before people start to talk? There were many people did many things on the day of the Charlie Hebdo attacks.....taking nothing from the young guys in France ...just saying.
I will say one of the results of 9/11 and recent shooting sprees over the past several years in the US the mind set is different. I do not know if and/or how much it has changed abroad as I have never been over there. but here in schools and many bigger companies "active shooter" scenarios and lessons are now part of the training criteria and I expect it to become even more prevalent. I have no doubts if 2 legionnaires, or solders or brave citizens from any European country were on that train and within close proximity, the same position, that the same actions and result would have taken place.
Hey Adler how many young men can stand outside a train toilet before people start to talk? There were many people did many things on the day of the Charlie Hebdo attacks.....taking nothing from the young guys in France ...just saying.

I am not saying that there are not people that do. I was just implying it would be nice if more people would do so.

I also don't expect people too simply because of our natural instinct to survive. I don't judge those that don't do anything.
I noticed during that horrible tragedy, when Drummer Rigby was attacked, no one stepped forward to lend him a hand. It wasn't until after he was mortally wounded, that a woman tried to intervene.

Watching the footage and seeing everyone standing there watching absolutely infuriated me.
Always good to see passersby stand up and deal with situations like these. It could of been so much worse so the honours are richly deserved.

As to running and hiding, everybody is different. Running and hiding with the survival instinct is fine but just watching and doing nothing takes something else entirely...

The British guy involved was speaking on radio this morning. While he was holding one of the guys arms there was a train guard holding the other.
just like commercial aircraft here in the US....the rail system in Europe is the biggest target for t errorism. AQ's I nspire magazine and IS's D abiq magazine ( do not google these or try to view them with out using an anonymous site ( and even then ) as you may get flagged ) cater to home grown nut cases who are sympathetic to their cause. it shows them how to make and deploy explosives and tactics to use with other weapons. sadly, you can expect to see more of this in the future.....
Seems to me, that if the politicians were truly concerned about the terrorists, they would assemble the militaries en-masse, like D-Day and sweep through the roach infested lands that these sh!tbags have invaded, and scour the earth of anything that walks or crawls under thier banner.

Instead, it looks more like the politicians view the threat from afar, make a few statements, shake the occasional finger and sit fat happy in thier own little self-important world, insulated from the dangers of ordinary, everyday people
The fundamental problem with the middle east is that you cannot tell the difference. Put an army on the ground and they melt away.

The to$$er that did the train shooting was known to 4 authorities, as usual everyone who knew him said he was a quiet peaceful man, he tries to shoot up a train but as soon as he is stopped he blathers like a simpleton about just finding a gun and wanting some money.

To my mind dont let them leave and let them sort it out, we can fight the dog left standing.
And how many innocent people are you willing to sacrify before that happens?

That is what happened in Europe before the reformation, we cannot sort it out and we cannot take everyone who doesnt like it there, you cannot tell who is innocent.
and thus is born agencies like the NSA.......the question is not only how many innocents are you willing to kill but also how much of your rights and privacy are you willing to give up to be free and safe?
Since 1985 when I went to Saudi Arabia we have helped Iraq fight Iran.....we have helped Saudi fight Iraq we have fought iraq. We are now fighting ISIS in Iraq helping Iraqi soldiers. Only a short while ago the UK government voted against action in syria in support of an anti Assad group....within months that group called itself ISIS and now we are fighting them.

In the above I use "We" I am a Brit, most opperations have been lead by USA but fully supported by UK.

We have no idea what we are doing, any action that gets rid of a tyrant is not remembered as well as a missile going off target. Even "innocents" or their children can go into a mosque listen to a nutcase and decide to blow up a train. We may have stopped Saddam invading Saudi, the average Saudi doesnt care, and is not grateful at all.
I agree that they are d!ckless cowards, hiding behind masks, schools and under women's clothing but acting all tough and badass until the heat is on. Thier greatest victories have been killing civilians and blowing up their own mosques and bulldozing world treasures and each time warrants a worldwide victory dance and several dozen 7.62x39 rounds randomly fired into the air by any clown that can hold a Kalashnikov.

But in order to get to the next town or village, they need to pop thier rodent heads out of the spider hole - when that occurs, scorch the surface of the earth. When our satellites spot them driving across the desert, don't pound them with the GAU-8 or rockets...saturate the entire area with napalm until the very soil is sterilized and leave the debris and carcasses to rot in the sun as a warning to others who would follow them.

They have to move about, just like when they took the 81 year old Syrian director of antiquities and beheaded him and hung his body from the ancient city of Palmyra...they had to have been seen...follow them back to their rat hole and incinerate the nest.

Everytime they peek thier head out, place a red dot on their forehead.

A "coalition" of a few militaries can only go so far, but an all out effort of the state-of-the-art equipment that all posses, used in force, would cause these a-holes to rethink their life goals.

If that doesn't show good enough results, then it's time to get on the ground and show them just how well Vlad Tepes' methods worked...
graugeist killing one of the troops just means he goes to heaven, killing a leader does the work of whoever was plotting to get his place anyway. It is a mad death cult they need to be left alone for 50 years until they are exhausted or one man is top dog.
After todays shooting in Virginia I am thinking more and more that "social media" is becoming a curse not a blessing.

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