I only come on for a moment or two, try to add comments here and there, amke light of some.
It's been rather busy, Annie survived the Saturday alone, she concentrated on school work, programs for her third graders. Will taken care of, notices in the paper and such, lawyer takes care of all that. Mail diverted to our address. Cards cancelled. Ashes picked up, placque marker arranged. Ian is up this weekend, sorting thru family stuff, deciding what to keep, what to give away and what to donate, and pehaps sell other things. Will have to have someone come out and value the property. Tell us what can be done to make it a bit more atractive to a family rather than a knock down and rebuild buyer. The house was built in 1964 and there are a few old fashioned details that could stand removing.
Annie and I did spend the day in the city, Sydney on Thursday, just shopping for only a couple of things, lunch and breathing. It's difficult for her to sit and do nothing, her mind just keeps going back to Connie. Which I can understand so we try and keep things moving and let there be some quiet time.
Tomorrow Ian and Annie will go thru a list of things Connie made with her wishes to distribute, and the value of some keepsakes. This will make the final decissions on what to do with everything left in the house and garage. It all moves, slowly, but we will get there.
Monday being a holiday here, school will start Tuesday. A little more naormalcy to our lives.
Thanks for listening.