Thanksgiving 2007

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Happy Thanksgiving to you all.

Les - the turkey's looking a little plain... shouldn't it be getting the Cajun workover down there in Mississippi?

I'm excited, we're going over my buddy's house next week. They're from Louisiana and his wife is making the Cajun turkey...
A very happy Thanksgiving to you all my dear friends! My thoughts goes out to all that serve as well, away from family and friends, I hope that you all will be home soon.... Those are the people that I am the MOST grateful towards, in the past, present and the future. Men and women that have the guts to go and do what most people don't have the balls to do themself... Stay safe and be vigilante!
We went to my wife's aunts house and gorged on turkey, stuffing, yams, the works. Food comas were the order of the day for a lot of us yesterday. I hope you all are recovering. I get to go back to work today. Yippee!

We ate the turkey and my daughter gave the bird! That's my girl.


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Just as long as those little penisheads remember that Daddy has a shotgun at home...

The dads here that have/had daughters of dating age - do you guys really sit and worry, losing your minds?

I want a girl next, but I know once she's born the countdown will begin...
Shotgun, Hawken rifle, Fairbairn and Sykes paratrooper knife and photos and medals will be on on prominent display when she gets to dating age. I want those little romeos to know what fear is. "Don't piss off dad". It's amazing how big the desert is, and how easy it is to get lost out there...

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