Thanksgiving, For those

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So instead of TGIF, its TGITG !

Have a great one guys 'n' gals

And to those who can't be home, I'll raise one for ya !
Turkey still smoking nicely...

We have friends coming over. Our menu:

Deviled Eggs
Shrimp Cocktail
Veggie Platter

Smoked Turkey
Glazed Ham
Bread Stuffing
Garlic Mashed Potatoes
Green Bean Casserole
Macaroni and Cheese
Giblet Gravy
Sweet Rolls

Apple Pie
Pumpkin Pie
Vanilla Ice Cream

All home made recipes as well...
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. I a lot to be thankful, and am. Oh, don't forget to set the scales back 10 to 15 pounds.

I prepped my self. I ate lots of food for a month to stretch out my stomach. Then I took a weeks worth of laxative and fasted for the whole week to make sure that I had a big empty stomach...
I'll be right over Njaco! You know, I have never had sweet potato pie...or pumpkin pie for that matter. Strange.

Its kinda like pumpkin but real good. Just something different. GREAT with vanilla ice cream.

Happy Thanks Giving, or whatever it is I'm guessing lots of (turkey?)bacon...

Oh god NO! NO turkey bacon!!!!! Wish you were here Marcel. I cooked a great meal. Everything was perfect. and the Eagles beat Dallas!!!! GREAT DAY!!!!
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