The Augsburg Eagle....

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To be honest the G-6/AS looked almost the same like the early G-10. The difference in the external appearance could be the tail wheel , A such detail can be omited often if not seen in a picture especially. In the case someone could have caught the idea. But it doesn't seem to be correct rather.
Rather no. The harmonisation at the Bf 109 plane caused that both the G-6, G-14 and G-10 could look the same externally. In other words the proper identification of the plane version can be difficult if you don't know the difference in details. Hawever it might have happened that the "mix" of plane main parts could appear because of the supplay troubles at the end of the war. But I wouldn't exaggerate. For instance the G-10 version was assembled with both sizes of the main wheels. As a result the wings could have the small bulges like the G-6/G-6AS or the large covering over the wheel bays. Also the tail wheel leg could be of the long or the short type like for the Bf 109G-6. The same about the antenna mast.
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When these shots were taken the tulip was there. It seems it was of the red. As far as the Green 1 is concerned I would say it was of the red ..But it's my opinion only.

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