B-24 performance problems, coupled by the fact that B-17 production was to taper off prior to B-24 production, prompted the Army Air Force (AAF) to investigate the combat effectiveness of the plane in comparison to the B-17. A comparative analysis conducted in the spring of 1944 by the AAF Operations and Requirements Division concluded that "it would be desirable to increase B-17 production and decrease that of the B-24, because the former airplane is a much more effective combat weapon."
This recommendation was based on statistical comparisons:
- Statistical data compiled on the utilization of both planes showed that the B-17 was easier to maintain and therefore more available for combat.
- Statistical data on time from aircraft acceptance to delivery in theater showed that the B-17's spend only half as much time in modification centers thus are availableat the theaters in a shorter time.
- Use of B-17 combat sorties, versus B-24, resulted in a 40% savings in personneland material.
- The average man-hours expended in producing and modifying one B-24 weregreater than for a B-17.
- Statistical comparisons done on loss rate per sortie showed that the B-17 had a 35% longer combat life than the B-24.
Another study was conducted in the fall of 1944 by the AAF Unit Training Division. In the final report,Colonel Walker, Chief of the Unit Training Division, states the following: "The extensive use of the B-24 is inconsistent with the blunt fact that it is the most extravagant killer of any airplane in the AAF. Since Pearl Harbor through September 1944, B-24 accidents in the U.S. have resulted in 2,188 fatalities. In the first 9 months of 1944, B-24's did only 6% of total flying in the U.S. but accounted for 26% of all fatalities. They flew 5% less than B-17's but had 105% more fatalities and 85% more wrecks. Had the B-24 had as good accident rate as the B-17 during the period 7 December 1941 through September 1944, there would have been a saving of 230 aircraft wrecked, 904 lives, and approximately $60,000,000."
B-17 vs B-24
Personnel were 100% expendable.
The mission was to get bombs onto targets at the cheapest and fastest possible rate.
The B-24 was faster to build and went further on the same amount of materials.
Wars are won by getting there 'firstest with the mostest'. Comfort and safety are not war winning attributes - see the B-29
The B-17 was past its sell by date by 1942 and exited production very early 1945.
Orders for over 5,000 B-24's were cancelled on VJ Day