The Falklands

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Plymouth mode???/ you got me....what is that

Plymouth ('Gus' in service slang) is home to the Royal Navy and Royal Marines who went to the Falklands. I thoughtlessly overlooked the others that Karl pointed out.

The Falklands Vets are very close to Plymothian hearts as are all the vets from battles that 'our boys' fought and fight to this day.

I have check just to be sure but I am almost 100 % positive there were no Mauser sniper in malvinas, I have seen M14s and FAL with scope used as sniper by the argentine forces.

My favorite "ugly, mustached" Chilean woman ...

Must be recently waxed, noooooo, just kidding . Is a easy matter to solve Just Dare to create a picture topic called "Chile vs Argentina" or whatever the name you like for that particular matter and you will see. I wont enjoy a so easy victory upon you beloved trasandinian women.

NCIS is American ( isn't it?)

I guess they are scratching the bottom of the barrel, is not easy one.
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Special Agent Ziva David aka Cote de Pablo

Cote de Pablo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"... Is a easy matter to solve Just Dare to create a picture topic called "Chile vs Argentina" or whatever the name you like for that particular matter and you will see.

BBC NEWS | Americas | Argentina: Ugly people strike back

Sounds like Argentines spent too much time and money admiring themselves in the mirror .... I got the impression from your previous posts, CB, that you were a rugged pampas-kind-of-guy, not a cafe-crowd metro sexual.

This is my standard of beauty -- along with smoldering dark-eyed NCIS Agents who can look after themselves. We don't go for silicon injections, botox and lip enhancements in the Muskogee .


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Oh, she certainly is. I wonder how that can be though, she is not from Argentina? How is that Charles?
You can go to the topic you closed about argentine women in the multilingual corner, then compare those women with the one above, I dont need to add anything more.

You can try, CB,

Argentina vs Brazil «Ranking of the World's Richest Countries by GDP» - Classora Knowledge Base

Proud Canadian

Yes, the gross income is high, but the income per capita is low, far lower than the argentine for example (we dont claim to be a powerhouse). Aniway if they manage to reduce the extreme poverty, the extreme inequality of incomes and the extreme crime they might have a chance (althought remote) to become a developed countries

By the way in questions of women there is other proud canadian wich has gotten right, is a pleasure to see one of your fellow countryman with real taste and not clouded by any tv series
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Women with looks are everywhere in the world in equal quantities , like to see half of these beauties when they wake up with no make up , maybe argentinian women are better at camoflauge then most . Then the next question is what do they look like at 35 .
"... (we dont claim to be a powerhouse)".

Underachieving. At the turn of the 20th Century - before WW1 - Europeans invested in Argentina, migrated to Argentina, and believed that the 20th Century belonged to Argentina. What happened, CB. Your country has everything ...?

The GDP graph I linked to isn't about standard of living, it's about GDP. Gross Domestic Product. Standard of living doesn't create JOBS and wealth. It just creates comfortable people. GDP creates wealth, jobs, and ultimately, PROSPERITY.

Why would the residents of the Falkland wish to join Argentina when such a choice would lower their standard of living, CB? (see Tables link below )

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Wandering back to the Falklands briefly (as you do) and Charles' comment about solutions to the disputed territory.
As long as the people who live in the Falklands want to be British citizens then no British PM will abandon them.
Whether their claim to British citizenship is relevant in 2012 is another question.
There are parallels with the Northern Irish and their desire to be British. Look at the trouble that has caused over the years....
No easy answer I'm afraid.
You can go to the topic you closed about argentine women in the multilingual corner, then compare those women with the one above, I dont need to add anything more,

My point was this:

There are beautiful women everywhere in the world, all over the world, and Argentina does not have monopoly on that. You saying so is insulting to everyone else. Maybe you should get out of your country a bit more, you are becoming more and more clouded.

Now get this thread back on topic (about the Falklands), or I will CLOSE it as well.
".... Whether their claim to British citizenship is relevant in 2012 is another question."

Indeed, it is, John, but Argentina is hardly a subtle suitor ... and ... if you examine the economic charts provided, it is easy to see why Falklanders would see union with Argentina as a backward step -- a near 33% cut in per person GDP/standard of living.

At the latest revival of this thread I said that co-operation on off shore oil exploration would be a good place for Argentina to start learning co-operation skills - instead of focusing on "conquistador" pilot Prince William Whales, and smashing windows of British banks .....

Glass half-empty or half-full .....? Sadly, some people pine for what they don't possess,

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Its always about oil and the mistaken perception that Britain will not defend its citizens where ever they happen to be living.

A lot of water needs to go under this particular bridge before any progress is made.
I referred to the Northern Irish and the issues there, sometimes a situation develops where is no solution other than a stalemate...

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I would often agree with this type of observation but believe that it isn't right in this case. Argentina didn't invade because of oil, and the UK didn't take it back because of oil. After the conflict the UK didn't build up the military defences at great cost because of oil, but because it was British territory that had been invaded.

It was a matter of principle for both sides and tragically the principles clashed.

I believe that Oil is now being used as an excuse. What oil is doing is giving the Falklanders the chance of a much higher standard of living, far higher than anything they have had in the past. As a result it will reduce any chance of the islanders voting for a union with Argentina. Had it remained a poor sheep based economy then in fairly short time the chances of them voting for a change would have been increased.

I do agree that lot of water will now have to go under the bridge.

I should have said that oil is now one of the excuses, not the reason for the 1981 conflict.
Thanks for pointing that out Glider

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