The Guns We Own (1 Viewer)

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something to think about.
World Wars have nothing to do with the ordinary citizen bearing arms. Also you should be careful talking about wars as the US has pretty much got that covered on its own.
World Wars have nothing to do with the ordinary citizen bearing arms. Also you should be careful talking about wars as the US has pretty much got that covered on its own.

Are you talking about our defensive war against radical islam after nearly three thousand of our countrymen were anhilated, and our financial and military centers attacked? Or our protracted war against the most horrific regime in history, the Soviets?

You asked why Americans fear goverments, I might ask why people don't fear goverments, especially looking back at the last one hundred years.
Well, you can thank Hollywood for making you a bit safer from the 'bad guys'...

Have you noticed that thugs always brandish their pistols in the oh-so-cool 'gangsta' fashion when they're planning on cappin' some mo'fo's azz ? Sideways and up over their shoulders...I'd only be worried if they were NOT aiming at me

Hey look what gun control ultimately created in Europe is a redesigned kitchen knife, what blunt needles next?, no combs with pointy teeth, can't do yardwork with blunt pitch forks and damn forks can poke an eye out oh and you can hurt somebody with sharp toothpicks and hey cricket (bats) can give somebody a headache,need to ban those, and oh the granny club has been disbarred because knitting needles are now banned and ouch you can get poked with a lead pencil and die from lead poisoning. Point is how much govt do you want interfering with your lives. There are so many gun laws here that if they were inforced it would be refreshing. Not knocking the police here but it's got to be close to 90% of police respond after the crime has been done. So the scenario is do I protect myself and family or do I let the robbery,rape,murder etc continue and wait for the police to show up after the deed is done. I know what I'm going to do...
Well said, Torch.
Guys... this is becoming a political thread and not a thread of the guns we own. If you don't redirect the posts, we will either give folks some necessary time off from the forum to post your political rantings elsewhere or we will close the thread. We will start with the former and migrate to the latter. We cannot tolerate a few hijacking threads and defaulting to closing them first.

You have been warned.
In the US: 100 people die each day from gunshot wounds, and 300 more get wounded.
In Europe: roughly 5 people die each day from gunshot wounds, and 15 get wounded.

Now what's the difference between Europe America which creates this difference ?

EDIT: Sorry didnt see your post Matt, posted mine before I saw yours.
I will stop posting...and if you want to delete my posts.
Americans are better shots?
OK, you guys. You're hijacking MY thread ! Enougth already. I started this thread so guys could post pic's of their
private arsenal..... not to get into a debate about what country allows or does not allow private ownership of weapons,
or who's the best shot. If you don't wanna show a pic of your weaponry, that's up to you, but keep the politics out of
it. Matt has warned some of you and I will add to that warning.

Forgot about my .50 Cal ThompsonIn-Line Muzzleloader, that thing make big old holes in targets Someday I'm going to build a Lefty Hawken Muzzleloader, with a nice Curly Walnut stock.
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I am going to add one last thing to Charles post...

1. This is not the place for political discussion. You want to discuss politics, go someplace else!!!!
2. Next person that says some bullshit remark about the US, is banned! This is the only warning!
3. Next person that says some bullshit remark about Europe, is banned! This is the only warning?

Why the bans? Because the Europeans don't know what they are talking about in regards to the US, and likewise the people from the US don't know **** about Europe! It ends up becoming a flame war with ignorant comments made by ignorant people who don't know what they are talking about!

Now don't hijack Charles thread again, or I will really get pissed!

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