The Life and Times of an Anson I

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I had the opportunity to go for another ride in this on ANZAC day this year, this time sitting in the back so I had time to appreciate the aircraft, rather than trying to navigate. Just in case you thought the exterior was the most detailed part of the restoration of this aircraft...

Inside the radio operator's workstation:

Radio Operator's View:

The view looking forward as we're on approach to Woodbourne airfield on the way to Blenheim. What you can't see in this photo is the DHC-8 that has just landed, after being given the hurry-up by a controller on approach so that we could make our 11 a.m. appointment over the cenotaph. He was landing in the opposite direction to the direction we were going and his TCAS must have been going crazy!

The obligatory selfie:
Yes, Graeme, it was.

Nice pics Aaron; Bill owes me a flight. He said he'd take me up after I gave him an engine mount for a Cheetah, although it was from an Oxford.

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