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It's been posted in this thread that the concentration camp workers who worked on the V2 were treated a little more gently than the usual inmate, when just a brief look at the number of deaths says different.
Nobody said much of anything counter to that.
Now I get raked over the coals for introducing politics into the equation?
I can see the humor in that.
Links in Post 42 give a ration better than 2:1 (106025:46846) or 2.26:1
According to Zaloga.
AFV (T&SPG) Strength
Germany (total) / Germany(EF) / USSR)total)
6/41: 5639 / 3671 / 28800
3/4: 5087 / 1503 / 6690
5/42: 5847 / 3981 / 8190
11/42: 7798 / 3133 /6940
3/43: 5625 / 2374 / 9200
8/43: 7703 / 2555 / 8200
6/44: 9148 / 4740 / 13600
9/44: 10563 / 4186 / 13400
10/44: 11005 / 4917 / 13900
11/44: 12236 / 5202 / 16000
12/44: 13175 / 4785 / 17000
1/45: 13362 / 4881 / 16200
50000:6000 (or worse, as was suggested)
This is production numbers NOT what was on the battlefield.
"... I would say that a thread like this needs a sense of humor...?"
".... Some people here want to paint me as the idiot who thinks against the majority and it's wrong, but I'm certainly not this type. "
".... Anyone who thinks the allies would would turn a blind eye to the known crimes of the Nazi regime, and then fight beside them, is a idiot, or Himmler, or both."
Production 1941-45
T-34 - 36,119
T-34/85 - 29,430
Total production - 65,549
Panzer V Panther - 6,557
This is production numbers NOT what was on the battlefield.
How was this ~25% increase in speed obtained?
Yes indeed.
Germany has lost on the EF by 1944.
It really is as simple as that.
Concentration camp Mittelbau-Dora, 60,000 inmates passed thru it, 20,000 died, 9,000 died due to exhaustion and collapse. 350 hanged, 200 for sabotage.
Is that enough "Hollywood hype" for you Siegfrei ??
I later realized i'd left out something important, Mittelbrau-Dora was only one of the camps suppling the V-2 program with laborers, and only in operation about a year.
CHAOS THEORY ....Professional soldiers already understand Chaos Theory, Jenisch, it rules the way they operate in during wartime and maneuvers.MM
Ah, and the Manhattan Project should definately not be desconsiderated in such a scenario.
It's obviously not enough hype for you. Your rhetoric doesn't detract from my point. If everyone had of lived or died at Mittlebau-Dora it wouldn't make much difference to the impressed or indentured labour system simply because it was not representative of the overall impressed labour situation. I use the word impressed rather than slave labour as this was not chattel slavery and there was an intention to release indentured or impressed labour when it became possible to do so for what was surely most instances. There was planty of hope for these workers. Many had liberties such as movement in the town during certain hours of the day. In a big factory conditions could be poor in a small one of 20 people its could be quite good. These were the people working in production. Dora was an late war SS run underground superfactory designed to produce a range of weapons and aircraft, not just V2.
So the overall system was far more banal, survivable and productive than you are prepared to admit. It had little to do with death camps. If you want to know how you ended up in a forced worker in a factory or as a forced farm hand; ask youself what might happened to a Serb who handed out anti German pamphlets at a railway station. I know a person who ended up in the system that way.
Deaths at Dora were a late war event and seem to have been concentrated around the excavations of the bomb proof structure rather than production workers, this excavation work was at best indifferent and it seem likely deliberatly muderous. Also included at least 1500 deaths from Allied bombing in from only one series of raids. Had these have been impressed German workers (who also had no choice but to partake in war production) they would be counted as victims of allied bombardment rather than Nazism. Also included must be many who perished in forced evacuation marches as the allies advanced. As it was many were skilled French POW's, something clearly against the Geneva convention which allows forced labour only in non munitions related industry.
But I get back to my main point, which you wish to sequay into a holicaust story. The impressed and indentrued labour forces productivity and quality was not at all bad considering the limited materials, training and skill they had. Nor were they subject to starvation or daily beatings etc etc which would never have allowed them to assemble the devices required of them though I have no doubt any sabotage would likely be dealt with by summary execution.
AFAIKT the labour (Ukranian women) was at least 90% as effective as "free" German wokers.
I should also add many factories used little or no forced labour at all. Junkers itself for instance.