The Person Below Me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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Not today. standing bet with buddy that gas prices in MN will hit $4.00 per gallon before July 4th. Looser buys lunch for the other. I thought it was going to go over the top lat week, but it stopped short.

TPBM had an un-satisfying breakfast this morning.
They do make life easier, but I like working with wood working handtools better. Nothing like making something by hand without the use of electricity.

TPBM is an accoplished wood worker.
That would be, a good night sleep when I work nightshift...I'd get my b*lls kicked...:lol:

TPBM had a goof night sleep though...
The only thing better than my job would be as job where you go to work at
1200, get an hour for lunch, and get off at 1300. I have a good job...

TPBM is looking toward retirement....


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