The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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If you could manage to sneak up to the prey nice and close and club them over the head with the Les Paul. It should be heavy enough to take it out with one blow.

TPBM will buy Marcel and myself a nice 59 Les Paul Standard if they win the Lottery this weekend, make mine a lefty. Throw in a Marshall Plexi Amp or a Fender Bassman for each as well.
Yep, think I'll put in a couple hours tonight if the rain holds off.

TPBM wished man made Global warming would finally come to my city and warm it up for a change!!!
I don't know.... Va. Beach set a record low, yesterday morning, with a 42F.
Today it was 54F at 0700.

TPBM wonders if spring will ever come....

Nope....need to do something about front though...up for it Mr C? You'll get free hands to do what you want....

TPBM will tell us Alexander the Great or Hannibal...

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