The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Not exactly, Mon Ami, altho I have been working in the sun. Planting my veggie garden, albeit a month late...

TPBM drives on the wrong side of the road.....

Don't have a dog, or cat either. No birds or fish or rodents. Would like a
cold beer, but my AA sponsor would kill me.

TPBM doesn't drink alcohol, either...


TPBM will tell us who wrote this....

"I have set eyes on the wall of lofty Babylon on which is a road for chariots, and the statue of Zeus by the Alpheus, and the hanging gardens, and the Colossus of the Sun, and the huge labour of the high pyramids, and the vast tomb of Mausolus; but when I saw the house of Artemis that mounted to the clouds, those other marvels lost their brilliancy, and I said, 'Lo, apart from Olympus, the Sun never looked on aught so grand."

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