The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Well it's Midnight here so I wouldn't call it beautiful weather...BUT tomorrow will be a fine sunny day around 16C.

TPBM is falling asleep at their still with me Heinz?
Nope, never been south of the state of Indiana. If we ever throw I Hurricane party up here the country is in in for a world of hurt.

TPBM is going to build something this weekend.
Comedy Fan .... NOT !! I Think it's a waste of time to watch a TV show
when everyone laughs at every word someone says.....

TPBM would rather watch the saturday nite fights...

Sure, but I do miss a good old boxing match. Cage fighting and Ultimate fighting are not my thing. Give me a couple guys in the ring just throwing punches at each other such as Joe Frazer and Ali.

TPBM misses the good old days when boxing was considered the Sweet Science.

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