The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Just below the 426 Hemi in options....just as attractive under the hood, almost!

TPBM remember Sam Cooke....
Nah, I suspect that's where 75% of where the answers to some of the TPBM questions come from anyway.

TPBM has climbed a mountain higher that 7500 feet above Sea level.
As for his nickname, "31 Knot Burke", the story goes..... when he was a DD
skipper, the Commodore sent him a message, "Burke, what are you doing in that minefield?" His reply was...."31 Knots.... !

He was quite the man......

TPBM can add more to the story of Arleigh Burke...

Michiel Adriaenszoon de Ruyter (24 March 1607 – 29 April 1676) is one of the most famous admirals in Dutch history. De Ruyter is most famous for his role in the Anglo-Dutch Wars of the 17th century. He fought the English and French in these wars and scored several major victories, the best known probably being the Raid on the Medway. The pious De Ruyter was very much loved by his sailors and soldiers; from them his most significant nickname derived: Bestevaêr (older Dutch for 'grandfather'.) He is honoured by a statue in his birthplace Vlissingen, where he stands looking over the sea.

TPBM was not aware of the above info on De Ruyter..


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