The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Dang right!!! Probably little chance of "Getting Lucky" this weekend though, spending the weekend in a tent on my own.

TPBM will tell us the last two members of The Rat Pack that weren't mentioned previously,(Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, and Sammy Davis Jr. were mentioned earlier).
About an hour ago. Trying to figure out what to bring for dinner while camping/hunting this weekend.

TPBM will suggest something good to cook over the campfire (no Hamburgers or Hotdogs).
Yes I do, and I will be camping on one of the best known trout streams in Minnesota. May have to squeeze in a little time on the stream and see if I can catch anything, may not be time though.

TPBM would like to come along with me, spend some time on the river, climb some bluffs, and do some hiking.
Nah.... sorry but I think I'll catch a plane to the Houston area so I can
watch "Ike" come ashore.

TPBM thinks I've lost "it".

Hmmmmm. I will look into that Mon Ami. Perhaps I have committed a
faux pas ???

Edit: It's ok... the two were merged into one and the Newest is closed.

TPBM is going to check on me...

It appears to have stopped..... for the time being, anyway. Boy ! We
really got it during the night. My 60 gallon trash can got floated down
the street !

TPBM is looking at the stars....

Yep, have the day off. Going to get up early and head for the Hills/Woods for a little peace and tranquility.

TPBM wants tomorrow off as well.

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