The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Nope sorry mon ami! My grand dad used to build his own instruments among many other things and he was damn good about it too! 8)

TPBM is looking forward to a nice lazy R/R weekend.....I do!
Yep, won't be too lazy, but won't be working either.
Yes, Marcel I am building a guitar, but its been so humid in my basement/work are this summer I put the project on hold until this winter.

TPBM is not musically inclined.
You are correct. I couldn't carry a tune if it had handles !! Altho I did take
four years of Piano, as a kid. Don't remember too much, tho.

TPBM plays in a band..

Lemme see SA.... South America ? Nope, ain't been here. South Australia ?
[Didn't know the country was divided] Ain't been there either. Guess I lose,
either way.

TPBM has been on a desert...


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