The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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well done ccheese. i need to quit that too. i had smoked pipe once but didnt liked.

TPBM is a healthy person.
no way, football is the most popular sport in the world and the most simple to play, just need the ball and at least 4 dudes to play. the field can be the street and the goals could be improvised. sissi sports is that ones that needs a lot of "accessories" to play :lol:

TPBM likes to play football with friends at sunday.
in the final of paulista championship, ponte preta x palmeiras, last time i saw that one of goodyear. i nevew flew on a zeppelin but i would like to if i have the chance.

TPBM flew a zeppelin
Sure have...the original one too!

TPBM thinks that it isn't near enough GOOD car chase movies around, that it should have been....

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