The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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They always have Oktoberfest at Bush Gardens in Williamsburg, Va. in
October. Beer and Brats at an inflated price.... I'll not be going, thank you.

TPBM wishes he could go, tho...

I sure do Mr C....but I'd skip the party and come and visit you instead.

TPBM is having a black Java as we "speak"

This is the Thin Red Line that I was thinking about....:lol:


  • the thin red line.jpg
    the thin red line.jpg
    35.1 KB · Views: 78
Yea... It's 0945 here and I don't do breakfast. Getting that way a bit.

TPBM will tell us the time and temperature in their neck of the woods.

It is 10:37 A.M. CST, temp is approx 65 Degrees, with bright blue skies. Too bad I'm stuck at work another five and a half hours.

TPBM is hoping got a nice bonus from work soon.
No "her" in my life presently, but I am now thinking of the tall, good looking, Brunette that works in the local Liquor store. Going to have to take up drinking more regularly again so I can meet her again I guess.

TPBM is building a large scale model aircraft.

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