The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Well, not ghosts, but the supernatural. My wife and I have both "seen"
her father in our house, and he's been dead many years....

TPBM has seen a "vision" too...

I'm having the best weekend I've had in ages actually,funny you should say that

TPBM has heard voices before and they're not known where they're coming from
Naaaah.....I wouldn't go that far, I'd have you see a shrink though!
I don't mind the rain either, IF I'm inside in "castle"....

TPBM still watches M.A.S.H whenever it's on TV....
Nah-I don't even have 50 DVD's yet. Hundreds of VHS tapes that I am slowly converting to DVD.

TPBM-Is going to wish they could be with a redhead today!

TP19PAM-TPBM served on a ship at some point during their life.... Served on several actually.

TP16PAM-Please see attachments.

Take care,


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