The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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You are correct, my friend. And.... I'm not going to start ! Me and the
bride do not exchange gifts at Christmas time. That's 'cause we buy what
we want all year long. It's an agreement we've had for a long time.

TPBM is stocking up on booze for a big party....

Yes I am bothered. If it were up to me I would donate money to a charity as a gift and have those that want to buy me something do the same. I also despise shopping!!!

TPBM like my idea of making a donation rather than giving/receiving a traditional Christmas gift.
I guess I could give them a note saying a charitable contribution has been made to the CCheese Foundation in your name.

TPBM doesn't think that will fly too well with my Friends and Family as gifts.
No, i'm finally online at home, and it's great to be able to catch up with you guys (and gals) again !!!

TPBM is glad to see the A4 logo again on a thread!
Yep, actually get the privalege of listening to two radios at the same time at work. One joker listens to very heavy metal and/or Rap, the other guy likes to listen to 80's Pop!!

TPBM will send me some good earplugs.

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