The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Yes, only own/shoot Traditional archery equipement (Recurves Longbows) these days. Sold the high tech bow 3 years ago and will never go back. And practice does make for perfect, particularlty when you dont use any sights on your bow.

TPBM thinks technology is overrated.
Nope, not today, maybe this weekend? Charles just un-clashed with Bucky

TPBM wears lime green socks with brown slacks like the guy I saw at the supermarket several years ago.
Cutting back on the diet soda, just as bad for you if not worse than the real thing. Lite and Beer do not belong in the same sentence...

TPBM drinks water instead.
That, fruit juice and tea. I used to drink alot of colas, etc but had to knock em off due to stomach problems. I try to be healthier now.

TPBM prefers Coke to Pepsi
Oh, it was actually nothing at all. Just trying to get under someones skin with a obscure Seinfeld reference in the I D Ten Tee thread.

TPBM will thinks I should start spell checking before I submit my responses and stop using the edit feature so much
We all make mistakes... That's why they put an eraser on
the end of a pencil. I type too fast and have to make lots of
corrections, via the edit feature.

TPBM thinks Bucky is too hard on himself....

Nope, I just think it is sort of funny how often I have to clean up my typing errors. Does not alway seems to come out as Doe snot when I type for some reason.

TPBM think doe snot is kinda funny after all.

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