The Person Below Me (TPBM) (2 Viewers)

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You know...."Oh No, Mr. Bill!!!" Imbibing is something they do before they invented the elbow.

TPBM eats pasta for breakfast.
Mon Ami.... a Friend of Bill's is a member of AA. To imbibe is to indulge
in alcoholic drinks. But you knew that...

Nope.... never eat breakfast....

TPBM is thinking about competing....

Nope, I don't know either..

TPBM is Charles, who will tell us, or Marcel, who will tell us what his ami is on about
No.... but I am taking two days next month. Have to help Edna Mae
with the Easter Egg project.....

TPBM didn't know Easter comes very early, this year....

Maybe not that exciting for the reast of you, but heading to a Traditional archery shop in Rochester,MN. Saturday morning, then to the Pope Young Hunting Museum, and then up to the National Eagle Center in Wabasha, MN.
Then a 3D Archery shoot on Sunday if the rain holds off.

TPBM would like to tag along.
Sounds interesting, I've only tried it once - and failed miserably! ..But..practice is perfect, so they say...

TPBM is an experienced archer

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