The Person Below Me (TPBM) (2 Viewers)

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Lucky guess ?

Don't do partys anymore. Seems since I quit imbibing, I'm not asked.

TPBM thinks that "Mon Ami" is fitting for a Dutchman with a French name.

Yes, start in late winter and last till May. Think that's where this morning headache is coming from.

TPBM owns a Zwerteckel or a Dackel.
Nope, but I own a Bronkoski. And my HA is killing me! What the *ell was I doing up at 2am in the morning?

TPBM collects bottle caps.
Yes I have, right next to the Milky Way bars in the WaWa!

TPBM drives an Opel Cadet.
Nope.. Never was into theatrical type of things.

TPBM Speaks softly as Charles stated, but also carries a big stick and is not afraid to use it if needed. (No longer wears Knickers either).
Yes, 3 quarters of College, decided it was not for me. Two years of Tech School and self learning after that.

TPBM is itching to build something with thier own hands.
Yes... but first I'd like to finish the 109 and the Stuka presently under

TPBM is a model builder...


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