The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Ah, mom ami..... I thought (at first) it was Friday. But I was in error,
it's only Tuesday, here. What a rude awakening....

TPBM is listening to some good music...

Looking for the Mother Ship thru that Telescope perhaps ;)

TPBM thinks aliens have visited Earth on many occasions.
Not really, just reading in the local paper of the Pirates in the MN Legislature that just raised my sales tax, gas tax, and next is income tax!!!

TPBM thinks it's time for me to move to another State and will recommend one with low to no income tax and a more conservative populace (and warmer too), not asking much here.
Virginia is pretty good to retirees and senior citizens. Your military
retirement and your social security are not taxed (by the state). Of
course, Virginia gets it in other ways.....

TPBM thinks Bucky should stay where he is....

always wanted to ride the 7 seas, raping and pilaging and taking other people's money and saying its for the good of the country and live in a mansion and have a limo and...... oh....sorry.

TPBM has never ate a scone.
Oh but I have ! It's a snack that they serve in England. I guess it's
like a short-bread. No Chris, not cornbread....

TPBM is going to take the rest of the day off....

Would like to. Saving my vacation days for Turkey hunting in the spring and the possibility of having to start looking for new employment...

TPBM hates the job search/interview process!
Yep, is a low-lying tract of land enclosed by embankments known as dikes.

TPBM thinks he is having a case of Deja-Vu as he thinks the last few TPBM questions have been brought up before.

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