The Person Below Me (TPBM) (2 Viewers)

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That spelled differently.... I know for a fact the Mountain Man and Polder ?'s were asked before as I asked the Mountain Man ? and Marcel asked the Polder ?. That's how I learned the answer.

TPBM thinks I have too much time on my hands.
Yep, definitely, I didn't even remember that.
BTW your answer was not entirely correct as something is missing, Polder used to be the flooded by sea, river or lake, and pumped dry.

TPBM thinks the dutch are nuts, living on a land below sea level (yes Bucky, that was probably asked before..)
Nope, would like to change my Zip code though.

TPBM is thinking of getting a Concealed Weapons Carry Permit.
"THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE",- I'm still not him BTW

TPBM is though, or atleast knows someone resembling him

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