The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Yes, that is pretty good. I like the "Come to the Dark Side, We Have Cookies" avatar some us as well.

TPBM has a massive, sight blurring headache and is thinking of calling it quits at work for the day.
Yep, Chinese maybe? Still here at work too, pounding headache was finally subdued with massive amounts of Ibuprofen!!!!

TPBM is going to try not to spend a whole bunch of cash this weekend, but will probably fail?
Not making plans to purchase anything, this week-end (subject to change
without notice)

TPBM is looking to get a new appliance for the little lady...

Don't have a little lady to buy stuff for, so the money I spend will be for goodies for myself.

TPBM is planning a project that may be a bit more that he can handle?
Yep, not sure why I was singled out. I'm sure he will be back under another name someday when his covert operation is finished.

TPBM really thinks Mr. Insano is a member of an elite military team.
nah the closest thing he has ever become to an elite military team member was probably playing SOCOM on playstation.

TPBM has something wrong with their car.
Oh but I do and some employees were charged with animal cruelty last year. Freaking idiots!

TPBM has cats.
Without a cause....

SE: PETA's HQ is in downtown Norfolk.... I live in Va. Beach.

TPBM has brown eyes....


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