The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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I think we're the only ones home, Eagle!

We should be out partying too (or possibly sleeping depending on the time zone)

TPBM is not Screaming Eagle or A4k..
sure don't

alex, chopply is a DVD board game that is parody of monopoly but with the ronnie johns chopper as the host and theme throughout. a lot of fun!

TPBM would like to play now
Nah, tried it once...the board went one way and I went the other...crashed and burned!:oops: figured this was not for me!

TPBM however has had numerous crashes but continues to get back on!

TPBM will tell us what make and model these beauties are....



I have no clue what Charles and you are talking about, must be a language thingy. What's Fruit of th Loom? And what is Haynes briefs?

TPBM will help this poor bad-english-speaking dutchie

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