The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Not today BB, sorry!

I had a laugh now, reading our Union diary.... I didn't know that you Yanks had changed your Independence Day from the 4th of July to the 3rd..... Unite has made an *rse of themself!

TPBM will tell BB about the Alfa Romeo 136 RC 25....
Without a doubt, I sat through most of Paint your Wagon in my younger years. Lee's singing make me sound like a songbird.

TPBM will tell me what to throw on the Drill and/or Barbeque-Smoker for dinner this weekend.
How about some oysters ? In the shell, of course, when they "pop" they're ready to chase with your favorite

TPBM would rather eat their oysters raw...


A-and the crowd goes W.I.L.D!!!

Let's see...

The Person Below me pefers Boxers to any other type of underwear!
My body acts it's age but my personality doesn't.

TPBM needs to get thier act together and finish a project they have been working on for a long time (I know I do).

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