The Person Below Me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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oops, clashed with Sabrina. Nope do not care for Tequila.

TPBM knows what is used to kill a killer Rabbit.

P.S. The speed of a Swallow is also dependant on whether it is a European or African Swallow;)
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Porcupine meat. Had ground Porcupine in Cabbage Rolls once and was suprised at how good it actually was. Not something I'g go out of my way for though.

TPBM has a cure for a gigantic headache that asperin just does not seem to have any affect on.
As long as its not my broken arm or leg, I don't particularly care!

TPBM will recount the strangest thing they've ever seen.

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