The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Nope, don't get the opportunity to get out hunting or fishing nearly enough.

TPBM is a member of PETA (People Eating Tasty Animals).
According to google (lol) a caper is a perennial spiny bush that bears rounded, fleshy leaves and big white to pinkish-white flowers. :lol:

TPBM dreams of cars at night
Yes, I am ! Day-before-yesterday I weeded the area under my Crimson Queen. Today I pun down the weed inhibiting
cloth and covered it up with pine bark mulch. Hopefully, no more weeding.

TPBM likes to "putter" in the yard, too.

Nope, dislike yard work. Nosey neighbors alway want to gossips about the other neighbors and know how much I paid for this and that. I like to mind my own business;)

TPBM has a project they are frantically trying to complete.
Yep, spent all to much time at the Hospital, probably paid for a couple Yacht's for Doctors all by myself.

TPBM lost something recently.

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