The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Have not been to the Gym for a couple weeks now and I'm feeling the effects. I go to a small Gym though and do not get the viewing opportunities as one would in the larger ones;(

TPBM will send me some good pain killers for my bum foot that's acting up again!
that's illegal.......pssst (check the mail for a brown package labeled "Flea Collars")

TPBM needs some "Flea Collars" too.
...not really. Do the laundry (- running out of all kinds of clean clothes fast, has been buying socks to be able to wear some clean ones... :lol: ), cleaning up, watering my two plants that are still alive...and that's about it.

TPBM loves soft drinks.
Soon, have not built a model for a good 20 years. Got a Revell P-40 I'm going to start with and get some experience before I start building the expensive stuff.

TPBM has seen a Tornado in person.
Roger that mate (Atleast I believe I have, can't remember the difference between them all, but I've seen quite a few). Exciting is the word that comes to mind first while it probably should be frightening :p

TPBM is very fit
Not!!! Need to get back on the treadmill, bike, weight bench again and get back the conditioning I've lost in the last year due to injury.

TPBM likes Spam, not unwanted mail, but the food substitute;)

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