The Person Below Me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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No... Not allergic to any critters, but I don't like cats...

TPBM is in the planning stages of a nice trip.....

Yep, like I mentioned a trip into the Colorado Rockies for a week of Elk hunting. No traffic, not rat race, no TV.

TPBM doesn't think they could survive a week without a Television.
I'm still in college. My first was like that, though I did pull a lot of weight and got all of my work done, last semester really busted my @ss on a English paper that counted for more then half the grade. Did ok in both semesters.

TPBM will mention they're favorite vacation.
Only a few bad spots, usually involving the flight. I didn't like France that much when I went when I was 14 though. A lot of the locals were snobs at us, except at St. Mere Eglise. Kind of found that odd, since we were in Normandy.

TPBM has had a bad experience with the French.
Hasn't everybody? Sorry, French. :) Couldn't resist.

TPBM noticed that when Vassili mentioned "busting his @ss on an English paper", he then stated "TPBM will mention they're favorite vacation". (English error - should be "their vacation") Sorry, Vassili, I'm a professional writer...I'm heartless when it comes to English. :) :)
If it was nice...yeah. But it's 98 degrees w/heat index of 105. Simply put.....IT"S F@#$ING HOT!

TPBM.......also cannot stand muggy weather.
Nope. Can't stand coffe. It's TOO hot!:D Seriously I don't like the taste at all. And even tried different types of alcohol to make it better. All that did was ruin the taste of the alcohol.

TPBM...... has a favorite drink. (Not necesserily alcoholic)

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