The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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I think Lucky may be refering to Charcoal Asches to form so he can start cooking?

TPBM thinks Lucky has gone off the deep end, or has had one too many Guinnesses today, or both
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Southeast Texas barbeque, Slow cooked, smoked brisket over mesquite. Chicken quarters, ranchstyle beans, potato salad, pico de gallo, with tortillas. Need I say more?

TPBM disagrees
Nope, I do like cooking. Looks like the diet be damned this weekend and some pork spareribs are going on the smoker this weekend!!!

TPBM thinks good BBQ can be made in the oven or crockpot (blasphemy)!!!!
No doubt about it in my retired military mind. The flight leader made error after error and would not listen to his
squadron mates. Some day they will find the remains of the aircraft...... waaaaaayy off course.

TPBM puts salt on everything !

Yup. Just got back from Summer Nationals Late Model racing. GAWD am I covered in track dust. But I love it. Going to take a shower.

TPBM......also believes a warm/hot shower is relaxing.
Sorry no...

Terry Pratchett is an English fiction /Humour author, genre similar to that of Douglas Adams of 'The hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy' fame...

(Example: The author's description inside the front cover used to start 'Terry Pratchett was born in 1948 and is still not dead...' )

TPBM's favourite author is...?
Sorry, havn't had the pleasure, altho Rowling is the Harry Potter author, and I suspect A. Galland was the Luftwaffe
ace, Adolf.

TPBM is an avid reader, mostly of WW-II stuff....

Sorry, havn't had the pleasure, altho Rowling is the Harry Potter author, and I suspect A. Galland was the Luftwaffe
ace, Adolf.

TPBM is an avid reader, mostly of WW-II stuff....


I admit to a soft spot but only non fiction however I do like a bit of period action and Im a sucker for a good si-fi if it has a good twist in the tail.

TPBM loves Marvel comics

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