The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Yup. I have never experienced anything when it comes to ghosts, even though my grandmother and me made an agreement that if any one of us died before the other, the one who died should try to get in touch with the other person from "the other side".
Well - I haven't heard from her yet, and she died many years ago by now. :lol:

TPBM don't really care about ghost stories.
You've been looking again Charles.
I only go commando if its really nice weather, jumping through the ice like those Ruskie guys do in the middle of winter is certainly not for me.

TPBM has been Ice fishing and got kicked in the Ice hole
Yes I do ! Have had the honor of swimming in six of the seven seas, plus quite a few bays. Never made it to the
Antarctic Ocean. I have even swam in NY's East River !!!

TPBM has a fear of water [except in his bourbon].....

Nope, they get caught, then they're put outside with a verbal warning not to show up in my apartment again, and then they're let loose.
I'm not so sure that it helps, though. :lol:

TPBM is not afraid of spiders.
Nope, no bugs. But have eaten Minnows, Porcupine, Racoon, Turtle, and Lutefisk though.

TPBM thinks it's just wrong to cure a fish in a substance that can kill you (Lye), and then eat it!!! Crazy Norwegians;)
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...don't forget the Swedes, we have it too AND Surströmming! :lol: I agree though.

TPBM has tried Surströmming....

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