The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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No offense taken, I think. I had to Google Tenochtitlan though.

TPBM has not been to an airshow in several years.
Certainly would last one I went to was all custom bikes and bikini girls with little over the shoulder double boulder holders and nips like spark plugs.

TPBM is now imagining what I just described:shock: are distracting alright...ladies...nope.
But some of the young, handsome, fit, tanned male bike riders in tight leathers are distractions alright. ;)

TPBM wouldn't know what I mean. :lol:
Nope, most of the Women I want to date can run faster than me and get away;)

TPBM understands Women completely and will fill the rest of us in;)

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