The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Damn straight again. Being a metal/hard rock fan , never got into his music.

TPBM......thinks there should be more coverage.
Nope, sorry...

TPBM thinks that Jan is.....wait a minute here....that's me! D*mn! Fooled again! :oops: For your information, I can perfectly well find my way around it that big room with that big thing that magically clean stuff AND that gizmo that gets so nice and warm, like a miny sauna.....what's it called again?

Oh! Look! Beer!

TPBM enjoys Monopoly and other games...
No.... actually I feel pretty good. Been hobbling around without my cane for a couple of hours.

TPBM is in an extremely good mood, today...

Nope, but would like to go for a ride in a PT-17 someday.

TPBM has more money in the bank than they know what to do with and will send me some.
Probably the same or worse than the rest of the World.

TPBM wonders why we all keep posting in the TPBM thread?

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