The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Never I am Bugs Bunny so cant imitate myself that reminds me I must get my teeth sorted out sometime

TPBM looks like Elmer Fudd
Indeed I! :lol: Seriously though, I wish! :lol:

TPBM will tell us the name of this lovely lass....


  • Martha Vickers.jpg
    Martha Vickers.jpg
    23.3 KB · Views: 108
Not that I am aware of.... You've seen the Charles Atlas weightbuilding ads ?? I'm the 'before'..... 130 pounds
soaking wet !!

TPBM would like to lose weight....

Ich bin ein...european, or something. :lol: (I ran out of german language...*giggle* )

TPBM speaks better german than me. Not that it takes much to outdo me in this skill...*snort* :lol:
Oh, so many places to visit. Fjord's and Mountains of Norway, Beer Gardens of Germany, Landing Beaches of Normandy in France and retrace the route my Uncle traveled with the 83rd Infantry in WWII, Safari in Africa just to name a few.

TPBM would like to come along on my world wide sight seeing trip.

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