The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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If it works, you could always watch TV on it !! It it doesn't, there's always target practice with your favorite 10 guage
shotgun, with 00 buckshot...

TPBM Has one of those BIG, wall mounted, plasma TV sets......

No, with the missus out of town for the past six days, I was busy yesterday and today.

TPBM has a maid/housekeeper...

Don't have any time for a second job. My first one takes up all my day.

I wish I could get paid for studying WWII like TPBM
Sure, why not....

Some people say I'm a no 'count. Others say I'm no good.
But I'm just a nat'ral-born travelin' man,
doin' what I think I should,
O, yeah. Doin' what I think I should....

TPBM will continue....
And I don't give a damn about a greenback dollar, spend it as fast as I can.
For a wailin' song and a good guitar, the only things that I understand, poor boy, the only things that I understand.
When I was a little baby, my momma said, "Hey, son. Travel where you will and grow to be a man
And sing what must be sung, poor boy. Sing what must be sung."

TPBM can't sing.

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