The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Now how, I ask you, could you drink a country dry ?? Especially by yourself. Or are we referring to the Ginger Ale
beverage ? If so, yes, I do enjoy a Canada Dry Ginger Ale. It's quite good with Beefeater gin, I might add.

TPBM is a teetotaller..... like me...

I wish
got to start clearing out the attic no room left Ive never done one but I have been told that a boot sale is the best way of getting rid of things and making a few quid in the process

TPBM has done a boot sale
If that is where you sit in your front yard and sale stuff you no longer want to people who walk up to you (aka "yard sale") , then yes.

TPBM has bought some neat things at a boot sale.
No but my sister has a Weiner Dog that killed her week old pet Parakeet. Bird was flying past her bed and the Weiner dog jumped off the bed and caught it in mid air and shook it to death, poor bird.

TPBM didn't know Dachshund's could be so violent.

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