The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Always kept Brittany Spaniels when we were kids. Very sweet disposition, but very active.

TPBM will share another breed of fav dog.
Weimeraners are among my favorite breeds. Very intelligent and good looking dogs.

TPBM is also a fan
Nope, like them both. Actually saw a Weimeraner in a SUV going down the road yesterday with it's head hanging out the door, muzzle flapping in the wond. Had to laugh as it looked pretty funny and he was having a grand old time going for his ride.

TPBM has never owned a dog.
I have, actually. I also appreciate that someone noticed I was gone. :) (reference: 7/17 post here) I have been busy, but I would have made time to hang out here for a bit if it wasn't for the fact that my laptop got hit by a trojan ghost that unfortunately destroyed just about everything.

So, I'm learning the joy of using library computers all over again while it is being repaired. Fortunately, I had backed up my most important data just a few days before.

TPBM has had serious computer issues lately.
Only one. Last time I saw my 1939 Ford Convertable (in 1952) it was in a Georgia farmer's peanut field burning.
I was being carted off to the hospital in Valdosta.

TPBM has been in a motorcycle wreck...

Sure do old HD's Indians, BSA's, Nortons, Triumphs, AJS'.....

TPBM has noticed that this plonker only likes old stuff....

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