The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Hey Gal, being un-employed is on a big holiday !!! It's the house-work I don't like, while the little woman is
slaving all day at the printer's. No.... I don't do windows.....

TPBM don't do windows, either...

Oh yes - biker-style. :lol:


TPBM is the proud owner and wearer of a Stetson hat.
Never had the pleasure [?] of meeting either. I'm game if she is !!!

TPBM hates rainy days and Mondays....

Nope.... would you believe.... lived on the coast most of my life and do not own a fishing rod ??? Been out on the
head boats quite a few times, but they provide all the tackle.....

TPBM forgot something, today...


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