The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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In Christianity and Judaism, the curse of Cain and the mark of Cain refer to the Biblical passages in the Book of Genesis chapter 4, where God declared that Cain, the firstborn of Adam and Eve, was cursed, and placed a mark upon him to warn others that killing Cain would provoke the vengeance of God.

TPBM doesn't believe anyone is "cursed"

That's quite difficult to answer, because both me and the missus have
seen her father walk thru the house, and he's been dead quite a few

TPBM like strawberrys dipped in chocolate....

I have seen, and spoken to my father-in-law..... he did not reply .....

TPBM is sorry to see Monday roll around....

A bit far away in the future, but...yes....:lol:
Wouldn't mind if I could afford to retire at 40....

TPBM needs a shave....

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