The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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All the time. Then you search and search, end up walking away and when you come back many times it's sitting right there. I think you're brain plays tricks on you and makes you think it's in a particular spot so you look but don't really see what's in front of you. Either that or my house has a Poltergeist that likes to hide things and put them back when I'm not looking.

TPBM also thinks they have a spook in the house sometimes.
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yes and they have the power to change screw drivers from philips to flat head and back!!! when ever i need a philips head i go to my toolbox only to find it overflowing with flatheads. walk away then need a flat head...i can only find philips! coincidence? I think not...

this has happened to TPBM too...
No, but I did have an alternator come apart on me 40km's from home, $200 for the tow, $245 for a rebuilt alternator.
What gets me is the single fanless belt! If it had two, I woulda just taken the one off and driven home!!!!!

TPBM would like simpler cars as well.
Yes please. I lift the bonnet of the Mazda 5 MPV and its an electronic nightmare for the older home mechanically inclined man. WTF are the plugs????
My Ford diesel is a little better but, not much.
Oh, for the simple days before emissions, cats, electric this and electric that and buying a 'GL' model meant having a radio :)
TPBM agrees
It was so satisifing to 'do it yourself' too. I make money repairing cars for learner / young drivers. But, the emissions are hard to pass now and without expensive testing equipment impossible to guage.
After a bit of a bundle over the last car, that did eventually pass I have seriously considered packing up.
No point spending hours welding, rebuilding brakes, body work repairs and electrical gremlins chased down to find the CO2 is too high and there isn't any realistic way forward other than fitting a less worn engine....
Such is progress I suppose.
yes i do. love to figure out fixes for problems big and small. if i come across something i have never worked on or encountered before...i end up researching and probably buying more tools.

TPBM will take a stab at fixing something first too ( if at all possible )

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