The Person Below Me (TPBM) (2 Viewers)

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Boring! But, needless to say, I do admire their skills, especially on icey roads! :shock:

TPBM enjoys a bit of Trial and Speedway every now and then....
Er yes...
They are an odd lot the Swedes. Nice mashed up with butter at Christmas dinner time though :)
TPBM is looking forward to....

What are you looking forward to then ....
I used to go to the Newmarket horse racing, won a lot and lost a lot. Then the penny dropped that the bookies always win so I packed up.
I have a few quid on Thunderball but, that's all.
TPBM does the lotto too...
But, has he won anything????
i will throw in on the lotto on occasion...but if there were only 2 tickets that could be pulled i would still come in third.

TPBM understands this kind of luck...

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