The Person Below Me (TPBM)

Ad: This forum contains affiliate links to products on Amazon and eBay. More information in Terms and rules one more project that HAS to get done before ther weather gets too bad....if i cant then i am royally screwed.

TPBM is in a simular situation
One night a year is one too many...
I do not like or want unknown callers at my house.
I made a sign 'If I know you, please come in... if I don't know you please **** off'
TPBM has a similar sign at their home.
Only for Them solicitors what carry them little magazines, you know the ones I mean. I try to greet them, the ones that get thru the check point, in my shorts. Which is my uniform of the day!

TPBM does the same.
Naw, I usually tell them I'm a practicing witch, and they are just in time for the ritual virgin sacrifice.
They never come back.
TPBM knows that "tacocat" spelled backwards is...

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