The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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just to roll over and go back to sleep. there is a reason i work the PM shift ....and its not because i do not have the senority to bid mornings....

TPBM prefers afternoon shifts to mornings
You betcha. Worked swing, off at 11. Got to the bars when the blokes were all drunk and the chippies were fed up with them!!!!!

TPBM is a night owl still.
Use to be. Not so much any more. I get up early and go to work and usually in bed early. They say it has something to do with getting old but I'm not sure I believe them.

TPBM gets up and runs 5 to 10 miles every morning at 4 A.M.
That and recovering from 9 holes of golf last Sat. First swings since my shoulder. And I ganed toooo much friggin weight during this time of doin nuttin!!!

TPBM is on a weight loss program.
yeah...trying to get my beach bod back for my vacation. 9 days and counting until rum, fun , sun, surf...did i mention rum...and girls with a lot less clothing on...

TPBM is going somewhere special for the new year

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