The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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nope....for once in a long time the sun is shining and it is supposed to go up to 50....a heat wave!

TPBM has big plans for the up coming christmas/new years holiday
Yep, it's me and my retired military mind..... Altho I must comment in the in-laws. I really had some good ones. Years before I married his daughter, Pop Spencer was my scoutmaster. I had met his wife but really didn't know her. I was to find out they were a wonderful pair.

TPBM is touched by my story.....

Yes I am......... I was friends with my first wifes parents............... right up to the day I asked her to marry me....
downhill fast from there.... treated me better after we split!

TPBM is touched by My story!

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