The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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not a to work to pay the bills.

TPBM likes to try to invent things and will tell us something they did
What kinda fun is That????? Inovate, recycle, re-use!
Like those chinese plastic takeaway (to go) containers, great to store finished or partly finished kit sections. Or them soft butter tubs! for spare parts storeage.

TPBM is an inovator as well.
Winter here is Summer...............
no, wait, Summer here is Winter.............
no, wait...


TPBM is unsure too.
yes i am living in a semi cold area. winter started early this year....supposed to get 8-11 inches of the lovely white stuff today and tomorrow.

TPBM is going to have a model train set up in their house for the holidays

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