The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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just to roll over and go back to sleep. there is a reason i work the PM shift ....and its not because i do not have the senority to bid mornings....

TPBM prefers afternoon shifts to mornings
Use to be. Not so much any more. I get up early and go to work and usually in bed early. They say it has something to do with getting old but I'm not sure I believe them.

TPBM gets up and runs 5 to 10 miles every morning at 4 A.M.
That and recovering from 9 holes of golf last Sat. First swings since my shoulder. And I ganed toooo much friggin weight during this time of doin nuttin!!!

TPBM is on a weight loss program.
yeah...trying to get my beach bod back for my vacation. 9 days and counting until rum, fun , sun, surf...did i mention rum...and girls with a lot less clothing on...

TPBM is going somewhere special for the new year

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